Gender Equality and Social Inclusion
Resilient market ecosystems must be inclusive of marginalized groups
Power imbalances and harmful social norms prevent women—as well as men and socially excluded groups—from going about their lives freely, preventing them from taking full and equal advantage of opportunity. Disparities and biases lead to less inclusive markets and businesses which further reinforce social and economic inequities. At iDE, we work to expose beliefs and practices that perpetuate inequality and use the knowledge we acquire to design social and behavioral-change programming that promote the creation of resilient market ecosystems, which benefit all people.
Our new gender equality and social inclusion policy commits us to supporting groups which are under-represented in market ecosystems; are discriminated against; and/or unable to access products and services, simply because of who they are, holding them back and hurting their ability to prosper. The policy is embedded in our Infinite Model, which guides the way we create market ecosystems and says markets must be inclusive of marginalized groups such as women, as well as being competitive and resilient.
iDE uses a range of tools to measure empowerment for people at the household level. For example, we use the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index (WEAI), a tool developed by the International Food Policy Research Institute to assess changes in empowerment across five domains including production, resources, income, leadership, and time use. IDE is now pioneering a similar tool to use in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector, researching methods that go beyond gender to evaluate other barriers to inclusion.
10-Year Strategy for Impact at Scale
On June 23, 2024, iDE announced our new 10-year strategy to dramatically scale up our work with women entrepreneurs, harnessing the power of women to boost prosperity and economic growth. Under this strategy, iDE will power one million entrepreneurs to foster prosperity in their communities for 100 million people.
Organizational Knowledge Hub
Gender Mainstreaming
There are countless gender-related resources so iDE's team of experts and consultants identified the best of them and created a knowledge hub to best fit your organization's needs.
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Connect with iDE’s GESI experts
Lauren Riley
Director, Gender Equity and Social Inclusion
Lauren Riley, PhDLauren is a believer in market-based approaches to gender and social inclusion issues and leads iDE in their GESI policy implementation.
Abigail Musinga
Africa region GESI officer
Abigail MusingaAbigail has vast experience in GESI mainstreaming and integration, as well as GESI-sensitive participatory evaluations.
Soma Kumari Rana
Asia region GESI officer
Soma Kumari RanaSoma's expertise include sustainable agriculture development and agriculture-based rural livelihoods, as well as food security and nutrition.