Iftekhar has a decade-long experience in the development sector of Bangladesh with specialization in market systems, business development, strategic partnership, and governance. He considers himself a system thinker with a vision to contribute on systemic change. He has joined IDE Bangladesh with expertise in managing multi-million donor projects and diverse portfolios. In his career, he played strategic and leadership roles for several reputed organizations that include Oxfam, BRAC, DAI (USAID AVC Project) and ILO Dhaka. Iftekhar, as a student of Dhaka University, graduated from the economics department and worked for research organizations before shifting his career to the social development field. He has a passion to work against power dynamics, particularly for vulnerable communities with a wish to solve their challenges with durable change. He has a keen interest on partnerships, innovation, social business, impact investment, green bonds, Money ++ models, and different risk transfer instruments for attaining inclusive development goals. Integrity, courage, and mutual accountability are few core values that he adheres in his professional and personal life. He believes that one can go fast but not far without team and family. He has a personal interest in writing on friendly fires.
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