iDE Global

As iDE’s Director of Inclusive Monitoring, Evaluation, Research, and Learning (MERL), Henok provides crucial support to teams in developing project-level monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plans, as well as overarching country-wide M&E strategies. He takes the lead in guiding teams to identify market system frameworks and for assessing systems change. This includes overseeing the strategic direction and implementation of iDE’s Market Systems Resilience Index (MSRI). Additionally, he also leads on the strategy and implementation support of participatory approaches across iDE’s measurement activities globally.

Henok leads iDE’s participatory measurement approaches across organizational M&E efforts, overseeing strategy and coordinating implementation support across country programs. He holds an MPA in Development Practice from the School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA) at Columbia University. His prior experience includes monitoring and evaluation plan design, and implementation in Ethiopia and Uganda.