iDE Global


Since 1992, iDE has been fostering prosperity in Nepal, building value chains and innovative business models in key sectors such as agriculture, nutrition, market system development, water, sanitation, climate resilience, and gender equality. Our approach aims to catalyze the creation of beneficial, cost-effective products and services that contribute to sustainable growth and improved well-being.

To earn a living Nepali women leave gender norms and housebound stereotypes behind

iDE is engaged in a broad effort across rural Nepal to support women becoming small scale entrepreneurs

As part of a broad effort across rural Nepal, iDE is engaged in a range of gender transformative projects that support women to become small scale entrepreneurs.

Read more: Investing in women can also bring about positive change – not only for women themselves but whole communities

​​Nepali Women Fetched Water Before Daybreak

But an iDE program now pipes it to their villages

Kamala Magar’s day began before dawn. The Nepali farmer would get up and walk miles in the cold to fetch water for her family. It would take her most of the morning to retrieve just one jar, which she’d use to make breakfast before setting out for more.

Read more: A proven approach to build resilience among Nepalese farmers

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iDE project spices up earnings for Nepali entrepreneurs

To recover from the COVID shock, iDE clients in the agri-food value chain were supported with business training, loans and labor-saving machinery

With funding provided by the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the Cereal Systems Initiative for South Asia, targeted 8 million low income people in rural areas across India, Bangladesh and Nepal.

Read more: The project concluded in late 2023, after being extended to support women, returning migrant laborers, and marginalized groups.

Why we’re here—

Around two out of three Nepalis are engaged in agriculture, mainly growing crops on small plots of land using basic farming methods. Yet many Nepalis in rural communities still don’t have enough nutritious food to eat. Poor access to high-quality seed, fertilizer, irrigation pumps (and knowledge of how to use them), and markets makes it difficult for them to earn a living. As a result, more than half a million Nepalis work outside the country, 95 percent of them male. Climate change is increasing the vulnerability of these already marginalized people.

What we do—

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Resilient Market Ecosystems

For developing world entrepreneurs to succeed they must participate in market ecosystems that are economically competitive, inclusive of all people, and resilient to shocks such as conflict or changing climates. By listening to every stakeholder—producers, suppliers, retailers and customers—we can overcome critical bottlenecks and develop lasting solutions. 

Learn more about iDE’s approach to resilient market ecosystems.

How We Do It —


Over the last 20 years, iDE has taken a leading role in the micro-irrigation revolution. We continue to develop low-cost, appropriate technologies for small producers, including drip systems, micro-sprinklers, treadle pumps, and water storage and distribution technologies. We invest in the design and initial promotion of these technologies, which private companies cannot afford to develop because they are unable to establish enforceable patent rights. Once popularized, these products are sustainably manufactured and marketed in the local private sector. 

Learn more about iDE's commitment to Agriculture.


In Nepal, nearly half of the children under five (an estimated 1.6 million) suffer from undernutrition.

By promoting high-value, nutritious crops, iDE empowers farmers to earn more income and provide their families and communities with a more varied diet, fueling them with the energy and mental ability they need to be successful. iDE also improves access to safe water and sanitation, keeping people healthy and able to absorb the nutrients gained from an improved diet.

Learn more about iDE’s commitment to Nutrition.


iDE’s successful approach in building markets for sanitation improves water and sanitation in vulnerable communities by strengthening the capacity of small enterprises to manufacture and distribute affordable technologies and conducting social marketing campaigns to change household behavior.

Learn more about iDE's commitment to WASH.

Active listening

Community Business Facilitators achieve sanitation sales in Nepal

Nepal is one of the poorest countries in South Asia and still has large gaps in sanitation coverage. Despite gradual improvements, only about 43 percent of the population has access to toilets, while more than half the population continues to defecate openly.

Read more: Training local agents to be successful salespeople achieves results

Main Office

Chundevi Marg, Maharajgunj
P.O.Box 2674
Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: +977 1 590 0132 or +977 1 590 0133

Our partners—


  • Big Lottery Fund
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Chance for Change
  • Church of Latter-Day Saints Charities
  • CIMMYT: International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center
  • European Commission
  • Frankfurt School
  • Grand Challenges Canada
  • International Water Management Institute
  • Japan International Cooperation Agency
  • Kohler
  • Manitoba Council for International Cooperation
  • Montview Boulevard Presbyterian Church
  • Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
  • Renewable World
  • Saga Charitable Trust
  • United Kingdom’s Department for International Development
  • United States Agency for International Development
  • World Food Programme