iDE Global


Improving the living standard of people in Mozambique by extending agricultural services and finance solutions to the most rural households.

Change Agents Power Recovering Mozambican Farmers

iDE Adapted To Combat Natural Disasters and Socio-Economic Disruptions

Farm Business Advisor (FBA) Flora Mostiço is a change agent in her Mozambican community. At her market store in Nhamatanda, in the Beira Corridor, the mother of six sells affordable agricultural inputs including high quality seeds, fertilizer, and water pumps. Despite repeated cyclones in the region, she runs a successful small scale farm and provides business support to other farmers. “I started with something small and now I am growing,” Flora says of her business. iDE has trained some 332 (117 women) FBAs like Flora across Mozambique’s Maputo, Sofala, Manica, Tete and Zambezia provinces.

Read more: FBAs have an average of 639 farmer clients each, 42 percent of whom were women.

Adapting to climate change

The Farmer Resilience & Rebuilding Initiative in Mozambique

How iDE is helping smallholder farmers increase their resilience following both Cyclone Idai and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read more: The farmer resilience and rebuilding initiative in Mozambique

Increasing women’s roles in household decision-making in Mozambique

Involve the entire family in order to achieve gender equality

Involve the entire family in order to achieve gender equality

Read more: Learn more about how to increase women's roles in household decision-making

Growing a Business After Fleeing Conflict in Mozambique

Maiasa built a new life from a barren plot to support her family

After fleeing violence in 2020 and losing her father, 30-year-old Maiasa Nahoda Abdala resettled in Nacala, where she transformed her plot into a thriving source of income through resilient agricultural techniques learned from iDE's PROMARE project.

Read more: Maiasa transformed her plot into a thriving source of income through resilient agricultural techniques


Why we’re here—

Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in Africa, with over 65 percent of its population earning less than $2 a day. Most of the population is engaged in agriculture, but agriculture makes up only 29 percent of the country’s GDP, due to the majority of farming activities being poor, subsistence-level crop and livestock raising. Combined with one of the worst literacy rates in Africa and one of the highest rates of HIV/AIDS infections, Mozambique’s population is ready for real change.

Increasing women’s roles in household decision-making in Mozambique

Involve the entire family in order to achieve gender equality

Involve the entire family in order to achieve gender equality

Read more: Learn more about how to increase women's roles in household decision-making
Paying It Forward

Fernando Milambo stands proudly in his abundant cabbage field. iDE began working with Fernando in 2013, providing knowledge and tools that helped him increase his vegetable production. Today, he is a Farm Business Advisor, helping other farmers grow their businesses.

iDE PC Mozambique Fernando Milambo

(Photo David Graham/iDE)

What we do—

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Resilient Market Ecosystems

For developing world entrepreneurs to succeed they must participate in market ecosystems that are economically competitive, inclusive of all people, and resilient to shocks such as conflict or severe weather events. By listening to every stakeholder—producers, suppliers, retailers and customers—we can overcome critical bottlenecks and develop lasting solutions. 

Learn more about iDE’s approach to resilient market ecosystems.

How We Do It —


iDE is implementing its FBA model in Mozambique to promote resource-smart technologies such as drip systems, pumps, and postharvest storage. We identify, train, and provide support to village-based agents who can bring high-quality agricultural products to small-scale farmers. iDE has established Agribusiness Service Centers to support these agents with market links to suppliers and buyers, building their business acumen and encouraging their development as entrepreneurs.

Learn more about iDE's commitment to Agriculture.


Malnutrition in Mozambique is high (43 percent of children under 5) due to a lack of diversity in diets, poor breastfeeding practices, high levels of disease, and a high rate of teenage pregnancy. Particularly of concern are chronic deficiencies in Vitamin A and iron for children under five.

iDE empowers farmers to grow different, more nutritious crops, so that people have a more varied diet, fueling them with the energy and mental ability they need to be successful.

Learn more about iDE’s commitment to Nutrition.


Avenida do Zimbabwe, 868
Maputo, Moçambique
Phone: +258 82 3078633

Our partners—

  • Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa
  • Banco Oportunidade de Mozambique
  • Church of Latter-Day Saints Charities
  • Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • EDP
  • Elephant Pepper
  • Eliminating Child Labour in Tobacco-Growing Foundation
  • Embassy of Norway
  • Embassy of Swedish
  • Embassy of Switzerland
  • European Commission
  • ExxonMobil Foundation
  • Feed The Future
  • Ford Foundation
  • Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN)
  • Goodwill Community Foundation
  • Government of Mozambique
  • Integrated Logistic Corridor from Nacala (Corredor Logistico Integrado De Nacala)
  • Kiva
  • Latter-Day Saint Charities
  • Manitoba Council for International Cooperation
  • Mozal
  • Mozambican Zambezi Valley Development Agency
  • PMI
  • Rotary International
  • Rudy & Alice Ramsey Foundation
  • Solidaridad
  • Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
  • United Kingdom’s Department for International Development
  • United States Agency for International Development
  • Vale S.A.
  • Wageningen University
  • World Bank - Gender Innovation Lab (GIL)