iDE Global


iDE is catalyzing sanitation markets in both rural and underserved urban neighborhoods, powering local business to restore dignity and improve health outcomes for the people who live there. We are also improving nutrition by strengthening market links that provide access to nutritious foods for last mile communities.

Why we’re here—

Madagascar ranks amongst the bottom four countries in Sub-Saharan Africa in terms of access to urban sanitation, with one out of six urban residents practicing open defecation (16.7%), and another third using unimproved toilets (29.3%). However, progress within the local sanitation sector has flatlined, with rapid urbanization, lack of prioritization and low private sector investment leaving municipalities with inadequate infrastructure and services when it comes to water and sanitation. By creating a more supportive environment, and providing targeted technical assistance, we can empower small-scale entrepreneurs to develop and deliver effective sanitation solutions that improve public health outcomes, drive economic growth and help the local people become more resilient in the face of climate and economic challenges.

Building markets in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector

Increasing health outcomes and building resilient communities

When we told people that we planned to sell latrineswater filtershandwashing devices, and menstrual health products to poor customers rather than just give them away, they didn’t believe it would work. But we’ve proven that it does work, and that it works better than charity, because when people invest their own money, they’re more likely to embrace the change necessary to improve their lives.

Read more: How clean water contributes to community health and well-belng

What we do—

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Resilient Market Ecosystems

For developing world entrepreneurs to succeed they must participate in market ecosystems that are economically competitive, inclusive of all people, and resilient to shocks such as conflict or changing climates. By listening to every stakeholder—producers, suppliers, retailers and customers—we can overcome critical bottlenecks and develop lasting solutions. 

Learn more about iDE’s approach to resilient market ecosystems.

How We Do It —


Under two consortiums funded by USAID, iDE is working to improve sanitation outcomes in three of Madagascar’s major cities, as well as rural areas. The projects aim to strengthen WASH sector governance, financing, institutions, and markets, increase equitable access to safe, sustainable, and climate resilient WASH services. By incorporating participatory approaches, real-time data monitoring, and collaboration with the public and private sector in Madagascar, the projects aim to respond to immediate needs and challenges while catalyzing a thriving sanitation sector in the longer term. 

Learn more about iDE's commitment to WASH.

Resilience to Climate Change

We aim to drive economic growth and resilience in the face of climate change by creating a more supportive environment, providing targeted technical assistance to small and medium sized Malagasy businesses to develop and deliver effective sanitation solutions. Climate vulnerabilities of iDE clients will be assessed through secondary data and participatory approaches.

iDE helps people in rural areas build their resilience to climate extremes like floods and drought through the use of climate-smart agricultural technologies and practices.

Learn more about iDE’s commitment to Smart Technologies.

Gender Equity

Addressing gender inequalities when it comes to access to finance and business opportunities is crucial when it comes to ensuring that women-led enterprises play a more significant role in the growth of the sanitation sector. In Madagascar iDE is working to mobilize public and private finance for WASH products and services, with particular attention to women and women-led businesses.

By focusing on women as customers and entrepreneurs, iDE strengthens their participation in rural value chains and increases their access to technology, know-how, finance, and markets.

Learn more about iDE’s commitment to Gender Equity.


iDE is creating key market linkages to enhance access to more nutritious foods, leveraging the Market Systems Resilience Index (MSRI) tool to design and deliver a package of nutrition interventions at scale for people in last-mile communities.

By promoting high-value, nutritious crops, iDE empowers farmers to earn more income and provides their families and communities with a more varied diet, fueling them with the energy and mental ability they need to be successful.

Learn more about iDE’s commitment to Nutrition.


Improving the environment for mothers and children to thrive

iDE works to develop a supportive environment for communities to have availability of nutritious foods, maximized incomes for increased access, and information to support families to make healthy choices around food consumption.

Read more: How we incorporate nutrition into our programs


Logt 12, Cité des Travaux Publics, Alarobia, Antananarivo, Madagascar


Our partners—


  • United States Agency for International Development
  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints